after-bariatric-surgeryYou’ve had bariatric surgery and now what? What can you expect post-weight loss surgery? There are several different perspectives depending on whom you ask, yet there is one thing that holds true/permeates across experiences — your success is contingent on your ability to follow dietary guidelines, exercise and lifestyle changes. Not only do you have to adhere to your doctor’s after-care instructions but you must also undergo a lifestyle change in order to maintain your weight loss results.

The Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence offers comprehensive follow-up care and can guide you in the right direction in terms of support groups, dietician services and continuing education to help you achieve long-term success. As you prepare for your next phase in your weight loss journey.

Lifestyle Changes


Once you leave the surgery center, you will have some prescription medications that should be taken regularly. You will not be able to absorb pills as you did before surgery, so you should crush them and open capsules. You should also check with our doctors in regards to any new medications you start, more specifically anti-inflammatory medications, because they can cause ulcers.

Vitamins and Supplements

In order to prevent nutrient deficiencies – multivitamins, calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 will come in handy. You may also want to consider folic acid or iron supplements.

Returning to Work

The time in which you return to work varies. Some can return in a few weeks and others take a bit longer. Following the after-care instructions of our doctors will help you recover faster and resume your normal activity.


This is the biggest question most patients pose: What am I allowed to eat? Your dietary guidelines will limit your caloric intake but also ensure a balanced diet. An average calorie intake for the first year is 400-900; not to exceed 1000 calories per day. Your goal should be a minimum of 65 to 75 grams of protein a day. High protein foods include eggs, meats, fish, seafood, tuna, poultry, tofu, milk, soy, cottage cheese, and yogurt. However, it is important to note that each patient tolerates foods differently so you will have to play it by ear and adjust your diet accordingly. If you have any questions about a nutrition plan, our LaPeer doctors can help.


Cardio and aerobics should become your best friend. Walking is a good start and then you can begin to include light jogging, swimming or a stationary bike. If you reach a plateau, you can adjust your exercise program accordingly but speak with one of our doctors before doing so.

Follow-Up Care and Support Groups

You may find a few new items on your appointment calendar, including follow-up appointments and support group meetings. Surgical weight loss surgery is not only a physical change, but a lifestyle change and it may help to speak with others who have gone through a similar experience to discuss ideas and to get answers to your questions. On another note, we can’t stress it enough how important it is to visit our office on a regular basis for follow-up care. We want to track your progress and make sure you are healthy and on track.

The Weight Loss Journey

It is important to remember that weight-loss surgery is not a cure for obesity, but rather a tool to help you lose weight to live a healthier, longer and more fulfilling life. It requires a new attitude towards your body, eating habits, exercise routine and more. It is a journey in which long-term success is the goal!

To Learn More About Bariatric Surgery After-Care

The Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence houses the leading bariatric specialists in the nation, who are eager to educate and equip you with a post-surgical and/or after-care plan customized just for you. Call us today at (888) 391-0182.