If you’re considering undergoing bariatric surgery in Los Angeles, you have probably done your research and found that there are many different weight loss surgery procedures available. This is a result of technology for bariatric surgery becoming increasingly more advanced in recent years, enabling the development of additional treatment options.
But how do you know which weight loss surgery is right for you?
At the Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence, our Los Angeles expert bariatric surgeons specialize in treating obesity based on the unique needs and conditions of each patient. We offer personalized care, and can help you determine which type of surgery is suited for your needs.
Los Angeles Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery, one of the most common types of weight loss procedures, is recommended only when all other methods of diet and exercise have failed to produce results. During the procedure, your surgeon will reduce the size of your stomach pouch and redirect your intestinal tract so that part of the intestine is bypassed during digestion, which results in less absorption of calories.
As with all other bariatric procedures, your doctor will recommend a strict post-surgery diet and regimen following the operation to ensure the most success after your surgery.
Los Angeles Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve Gastrectomy, or gastric sleeve surgery, involves the laparoscopic removal of a portion of the stomach to make the stomach take on a tube or “sleeve” shape. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, this procedure does not involve intestinal rerouting, and almost all patients (with few exceptions) are candidates for the surgery.
To find out if you are a candidate for sleeve Gastrectomy in Los Angeles, you can schedule a consultation with one of our world-class weight loss surgeons.
Los Angeles Lap Band Surgery
Considered one of the least invasive weight loss surgeries, gastric banding (more commonly known as lap band surgery) is a laparoscopic procedure in which the lap band is situated around the stomach. The band divides the stomach into two parts, with an upper pouch that limits the amount of food a patient can eat, subsequently causing a feeling of fullness.
Since lap band surgery is minimally invasive and doesn’t require incisions in the stomach or intestine, it is also one of the only bariatric surgeries that can be reversed. While the lap band is intended for long-term use, some patients may find later on that they need their band repositioned, replaced or even removed.
Lap band removal in Los Angeles is done on an outpatient basis, and is performed by our Los Angeles band removal specialists. If you are dissatisfied with your weight loss results, have band slippage or another band issue, please feel free to speak with one of our renowned bariatric surgeons to see if you are a candidate for band removal in Los Angeles.
Find Out About Weight Loss Surgery in Los Angeles
Fight back against obesity, and gain the ability to be healthy once again.
If you are interested in undergoing weight loss surgery in Los Angeles – or would like to see if you’re a candidate for lap band removal surgery – please do not hesitate to contact the Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by calling (888) 391-0182. You may also schedule a consultation with one of our top-of-the-line bariatric surgeons by filling out our online contact form.
Next, learn more about obesity help.